Eweeee! Deeone is insinuating allegedly say VDM and him friend Koko P dey ikebe each other ....he says :
Deeone : " i just enter abuja now with documents....everywhere good. Who you see for this picture ...OK na evidence plenty for my hand . Court go shake"
What do you think guys ?
Note : This page doesn't support or encourage violence. Comment respectfully.
Eweeee! Deeone is insinuating allegedly say VDM and him friend Koko P dey ikebe each other ....he says :
Deeone : " i just enter abuja now with documents....everywhere good. Who you see for this picture ...OK na evidence plenty for my hand . Court go shake"
What do you think guys ?
Note : This page doesn't support or encourage violence. Comment respectfully.
Boom 💥
Eweeee! Deeone is insinuating allegedly say VDM and him friend Koko P dey ikebe each other ....he says :
Deeone : " i just enter abuja now with documents....everywhere good. Who you see for this picture ...OK na evidence plenty for my hand . Court go shake"
What do you think guys ?
Note : This page doesn't support or encourage violence. Comment respectfully.
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